Legerdomain is a small settlement located in Winkie Country, in the middle of the Winkie Woods. It is the only spring of civilization that exists within the Winkie Woods itself, and without magical navigation, it is impossible to find. Prior to the demise of the Wicked Witch of the West, Winkie Country's most talented magicians conferred and created a village which was impenetrable by outside forces, meaning to protect themselves from capture and exploitation.

Legerdomain is surrounded by a discombobulating magic field which makes the forest impassable to outsiders. Without an escort, any magic-illiterate nobody that staggers into the forest will stagger out in a random direction, regardless of whatever entrance they chose, and will most certainly emerge oblivious to any magically-endowed populace concealed within the forest.

Attempted invaders have experienced a wide variety of inexplicable phenomenon which, while outlandish to the reader, is perfectly characteristic within Oz itself; such as a perpetually-shifting terrain, endlessly looping corridors, barricades of lichen, and illusory traps and pitfalls. Notably, the canopy is dense enough to obscure all aerial assessment of the forest's layout, which was meant as a safeguard against surveillance by the flying monkeys.

The forest itself is a singular living entity. A titanic oak tree with infinitely spiraling branches (the intricate patterns of which coincide with the forest's labyrinthine nature) rests in the epicenter of the forest. The tree trunk is inscribed with a human face and is capable of speech. He has complete control over each individual tree throughout the forest. Named Whorley, he shares a symbiotic relationship with the townspeople of Legerdomain.

Every man and woman in Legerdomain is skilled in magic. The buildings are multicolored and conical with crooked tops, exuding colorful wisps of smoke into the canopy. Mushrooms and flora which are used in grow in large quantities throughout the settlement and are used by the magicians as ingredients in their spells.

Because Legerdomain is impossible to reach by ordinary means of travel, most of Oz is unaware of Legerdomain's existence. The magicians residing in Legerdomain never felt compelled to interfere in the Wicked Witch's tyranny, instead preferring to dwell in solitude, safe and sheltered in their utopia. Isolation has only strengthened the disconnect between the magical folk and outside Oz. Call it self-absorbed nihilism, but the magical folk of Legerdomain keep their affairs to themselves and maintain a perpetual air of secrecy. Few have ever ventured within Legerdomain, and their passage was approved only by certain magicians. Nothing goes in and few come out.

A certain individual is tasked with Whorley's care and maintenance. The current gardener is named Missus Tuperry. Her home is surrounded by mushrooms and flowers, and she lives in close proximity to Whorley so she can make the journey to his roots. There, she replenishes his water and keeps him content, serving as his best friend and confidant. When not managing his upkeep, she spends her time gardening.

Dr. Pipt, the Crooked Magician, hailed from Legerdomain before leaving for Munchkin Country. His Powder of Life was inspired by the magic used to bring Whorley to life.


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