Xan are the people of Deos -- spindly, scaly, crimson. They live in colonies scattered throughout Deos's underground.

These colonies are based in a horticultural tribal structure and reside within the few pockets of sustainable life that riddle the subterranean wasteland; while situated in these springs, the denizens of the colonies devise instruments to capitalize on the resources inherent to their claim. Sustenance is extracted from water springs, mushroom gardens, and burrowing prey. Once a claim is established, the tribe as a whole remains rooted there until they are ousted by an invading force. However, raiding parties will be dispatched into the outer reaches of that territory in search of other resources.

Though Xan have made significant technological advancement (particularly in mining and construction) they still retain a combative, warlike edge. Tribes are often hostile towards one another. If a tribe is sitting on a spring, then a Xan's first inclination is to fight them or compete with them for that space. It is a belligerence that stems from ages of ingrained xenophobia and hostility. Cooperation is meant to be reserved for your fellow tribesmen, while you are expected to dominate or compete with the outside world. Xan tribes are conditioned to see foreign entities as competitors in a larger game of survival. Examples of cohabitation are rare.

Xan favor a merit-based society. There is little social stratification -- no nobility to speak of except for an appointed leader who is democratically selected based on their capability. The candidates are then expected to battle one another and whoever wins is picked as the chieftain. That leader can then lose their position to a challenger if it is determined that they have squandered the role. It is not a position which is inherited -- the children of the leader are not given any particular privileges. The leader is given some special privileges; they and their family are guaranteed special lodging, access to good food, and they command a certain respect. However, they are still asked to defend their position if necessary.

Gender does not play into social ranking. If you're fit and able, you're expected to contribute and contribute often. Weakness is strongly discouraged.

Though overpopulation within the colonies is a fleeting concern, vertical structures combined with advancements in mining technology keep the citizenry well accommodated. Underpopulation is more of a problem -- disaster strikes quickly and unexpectedly in the turbulent underground.

Xan are fond of public displays. They are still a warlike society and use physical duels to assert their dominance, often challenging individuals that displease them to quick and destructive skirmishes. These skirmishes are used to garner recognition from their peers. Competition can not only be used to obtain status, they form camaraderie between tribesmen. When you challenge a tribesman, it is because you want to help them hone their abilities and remain alert. It is violence on behalf of love and friendship.

Xan hatch from eggs. Xan that survive into puberty are sent on a rite of passage into the underground, where they are expected to survive for a week. Needless to say, not everyone returns home.


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