tw: discussion of rape While physical conflict is encouraged between Xan tribesmen as a method of rooting out the weakness in one another, this controlled violence as much an act of brotherly love as it is an expression of bitterness and hatred, such skirmishes are only permitted under strict regulations and do not usually end in death. To deliberately single out your comrade and undermine them through cowardly means is unacceptable. Xan prize courage and strength first, not sneaky backstabbing, especially for avarice's sake. An insatiable need to dominate others is meant to be directed to the outside world, against rival tribes, not turned inward. Betrayal, indolence and selfishness - theft, rape, and murder. If you murder someone, you have ultimately allowed your petty squabbles with that individual to overwhelm your obligations to the survival of your clan. You have not only betrayed your tribe-sibling but the tribe at large. Theft, rape, and murder are the three cri...