Legerdomain is a small settlement located in Winkie Country, in the middle of the Winkie Woods. It is the only spring of civilization that exists within the Winkie Woods itself, and without magical navigation, it is impossible to find. Prior to the demise of the Wicked Witch of the West , Winkie Country's most talented magicians conferred and created a village which was impenetrable by outside forces, meaning to protect themselves from capture and exploitation. Legerdomain is surrounded by a discombobulating magic field which makes the forest impassable to outsiders. Without an escort, any magic-illiterate nobody that staggers into the forest will stagger out in a random direction, regardless of whatever entrance they chose, and will most certainly emerge oblivious to any magically-endowed populace concealed within the forest. Attempted invaders have experienced a wide variety of inexplicable phenomenon which, while outlandish to the reader, is perfectly characteristic within O...